Thursday, December 1, 2011

=21 Go With Whatcha Got!

Words can't describe the spirit of enthusiasm that flooded the little business meeting that Saturday. It was surely what was needed to overcome Sam's shyness caused by his badly scarred face. Anyone would be quick to state there was no company for this business to be centered on, but everyone was certain God was up to something, that involved them.

April stayed for the opening prayer, while silver-haired Gramps, Sam, Ben, and Mannie began discussing their ideas and the ton of questions. April returned momentarily with some beverages and chips for the biz meeting, and then was summoned by her pager to ward 3-B.

Mannie moved an easel pad near the table for all to see. Her blue marker was put to work listing many of those questions that seemed to have no answer. Noah watched the teens really work together in listing hurdles that might discourage some folks trying to begin a business. After most of the large page was full, Gramps asked Mannie if she could find a roll of masking tape pretty easy. Mannie was gone and back in a flash with the tape, and a smile of accomplishment, even in this small task.

Gramps carefully tore the filled sheet off the easel pad and had Sam tape it to the nearby wall, for easy reference. Proving he was no artist, Gramps drew a small door at the top of the clean sheet. He tried to draw it as though it was partly open. He placed the cap on the marker firmly and then faced the teen team. With one hand outstretched toward the filled page he said, “It's certainly important we make a list of things we need to give attention to – even if we don't have the answers yet. But we need to start an God's Open Door List right away. There are some Bible stories – actually called PARABLES, that God teaches us we are to be careful to put into use the things He's already given us. I'm sure He wants us to be good stewards; good managers, of the skills, tools, materials and stuff, before He gives us any more. God doesn't waste His gifts on slackers and goofoffs.”

Something I want you three to dig out for our next meeting. In Matthew chapter 25 we're told about the very stewardship thing I just referred to. OK? Find that principle and promise for our next meeting. Now. Let's begin a list here of things we CAN do with what God has already given us. The reason this is important, is that God show us His will; what He wants us to do, in about 3 different ways. If you've wondered what God wants of you, well... this might help.”

Number 1 is that He tells a great deal of what He wants of us, by what we learn from scripture. You'll see some of that, as you dig into Matthew 25. Number 2 is that God speaks to our heart as we hear good preaching and teaching, and as we spend quiet time in prayer LISTENING for His leading. And number 3 is by opening and closing doors of opportunity in front of us. We are to go through doors He has opened in front of us, and stay out of the others.”

Gramps continued by listing the things the teens saw as open doors of opportunity God has set before them. Each teen took a hard look at what things they might be able to start making some puzzle books as prototypes, until God showed them how to get machinery for printing etc. You really get blessed knowing God is leading as you remain happy and content 'with such things as you have'. Hebrews 13:5 – 6.

Don't forget your Matthew 25 homework!