Saturday, December 24, 2011


Noah and the Teen Steppers
Where students, silver-hair, scripture, and start-ups come together.

Noah Partners With Samson
Silver-topped Noah Pierson learns how to mentor teens, especially troubled ones like Samson Tiffin, by fanning entrepreneurial flames inside most of today's teens. With the help of each other, burdens and baggage are turned into tools to become what starts out as an imaginary business.
Is it possible that God can make silver-haired seniors and students to be the perfect partnership to draw both generations into the Bible's joy overflowing? Without hesitation – YES!

= 1 The Funny Motor -Mentoring Door Opens
= 2 The Willness Battle -Mentoring Role Model
= 3 The Splinter Story -Seed Planted
= 4 Noah and the Phone Call -Glimpses into Mentoring Door
= 5 Noah Meets Samson -First Contact
= 6 What'd I Do Wrong? -Self Examination
= 7 Leading From Behind -Getting Acquainted
= 8 Poster Power Business -Preparation - Guidelines
= 9 Ben's Bomb -Sharing Bible Truths
=10 Hunting Samantha -Gender Diversity Preferred
=11 Closet Secrets -Biz Brainstorming Begins
=12 Sunspots and Mannie -Mannie's Database Leftover People
=13 Don't Want Any! -Heaven's Open-Door Leading
=14 Loose Screws -Orange Hair Getting Noticed
=15 Brainstorming -Product Ideas Come Together
=16 No Gimme Prayers - Priorities in Prayer
=17 The Jungle Path -Traveling Among Life's Dangers
=18 Little Big Things -Love and Trust Invested
=19 Testing the Waters -Beginning Market Testing
=20 Git-er-Done-For-Jesus -Coming Together in Joy
=21 Go With Whatcha Got! -Faithful In a Few Things...