blind in one eye can see He don't want any!” Sam continued with,
“Ben and I have been asking God for almost a whole month, if He has
a girl that can help us with our business, even though it's only
imaginary.” While Sam's teen orange-haired friend nodded in
agreement, Noah piped up with, “Whoa now! Let's not be too hasty
now. Maybe we need to make sure we're lined up with God's schedule,
and not our own. Sure as I'm 70 with my silver hair falling out, we
need not get pushy when it comes to God doing His work.”
really seems to me His scheduling was OK when He created all this
world around us, and gave us the sun, moon, and stars for timekeeping
and directions. I know it's not the best thing you teens want to
hear, but the boat-builder with my name, spent 120 years working
without any power tools or much of any help. Worse than that,
everyone was laughing and mocking him all the while,” Noah reminded
the boys.
That 'Doors Thing'
(that's Noah Pierson) told the teen boys, “Fellas, it's definitely
time we talk about the 'Doors Thing.' If you picture yourself in a
hallway, that leads to many rooms, or offices. You pretty well know
you are welcome into the rooms that have their doors open. On the
other hand, closed doors signal us to 'stay out'. It's a pretty
simple way of guiding you and into places we can or should go, or not
– at least not now, anyhow. Pretty simple concept, right?”
lesson for the teens continued with, “That guiding by using open
doors is exactly how Jesus leads those who love Him, each day. We
begin each day wanting to know His will for that day, and even which
to do first. Well, we start out by looking for the door He has open
to us. One open door is labeled 'Praise Jesus Room', another is
'Scripture Meals Served Here', another open door is 'Dump Your
Burdens Here', and 'Your Harvest Assignments Are Here', etc.”
bet you two teens can think of some labels on the doors Jesus has
closed and latched. I got an idea. While we're waiting on God's
direction and provision for stuff we'd like for our business, let's
make a list with three columns. In the first column we'll put the
labels of doors that God has open for all all those that love Him. In
the middle column we'll put door labels that might be open to you,
Sam, but not to Ben, or vice versa. In the right column we'll put
door labels that will never be open to anyone who loves and wants to
serve Jesus.”
said, “Before we have prayer and you two head for home, I want to
tell you about a door that has ears... you know, these things on the
side of our head. Well, this door is so important to teens, the Bible
tells us about it.” The boys looked closely as Noah turned his open
Bible to John 10, starting at verse 9. There was the description of
THE door, the one and only door that is always open to each and every
person, who seeks peace, hope, protection, and provision. Read the
description yourself, and then share it often with a friend.