Saturday, December 24, 2011


Noah and the Teen Steppers
Where students, silver-hair, scripture, and start-ups come together.

Noah Partners With Samson
Silver-topped Noah Pierson learns how to mentor teens, especially troubled ones like Samson Tiffin, by fanning entrepreneurial flames inside most of today's teens. With the help of each other, burdens and baggage are turned into tools to become what starts out as an imaginary business.
Is it possible that God can make silver-haired seniors and students to be the perfect partnership to draw both generations into the Bible's joy overflowing? Without hesitation – YES!

= 1 The Funny Motor -Mentoring Door Opens
= 2 The Willness Battle -Mentoring Role Model
= 3 The Splinter Story -Seed Planted
= 4 Noah and the Phone Call -Glimpses into Mentoring Door
= 5 Noah Meets Samson -First Contact
= 6 What'd I Do Wrong? -Self Examination
= 7 Leading From Behind -Getting Acquainted
= 8 Poster Power Business -Preparation - Guidelines
= 9 Ben's Bomb -Sharing Bible Truths
=10 Hunting Samantha -Gender Diversity Preferred
=11 Closet Secrets -Biz Brainstorming Begins
=12 Sunspots and Mannie -Mannie's Database Leftover People
=13 Don't Want Any! -Heaven's Open-Door Leading
=14 Loose Screws -Orange Hair Getting Noticed
=15 Brainstorming -Product Ideas Come Together
=16 No Gimme Prayers - Priorities in Prayer
=17 The Jungle Path -Traveling Among Life's Dangers
=18 Little Big Things -Love and Trust Invested
=19 Testing the Waters -Beginning Market Testing
=20 Git-er-Done-For-Jesus -Coming Together in Joy
=21 Go With Whatcha Got! -Faithful In a Few Things...

Thursday, December 8, 2011

=1 The Funny Motor

God's up to something! No, I mean it – God's up to something. And I know I'm never going to find out what it is, and be a part of it, until I get off of what I'm down on.”
How many times I've said that to myself, only half believing it. This makes me think He's an 'all-the-way' God. Either you are all in, or all out, of trusting Him.

My name's Noah Pierson. As I sit at the end of the table of a storage room watching teens take apart old computers and sort out their parts, I just feel like something is missing in my service to Him. This 'missing out' part of my attitude makes me wonder if some unconfessed sin has led God to put me on the bench, with the chronic spectators. I don't want to be there. Though my eyesight is not that great, it's easy to see the emptiness in the eyes of the teens busy with screwdrivers and other tools.

My thoughts are broken occasionally by Bob, the white-haired leader of the project, speaking to everyone in the room. The project is to create teaching kits to be sent to missionaries in Mexico and elsewhere. Bob held up a computer part and asked everyone in the room to lay down their tools and pay close attention.

He began, “I want you all to meet Mr. Funny Motor.” Bob had a wonderful way of bringing lessons down to earth in a way that me and my white hair could understand, and even share with others. I think Bob could take about any part of an old computer system and make a story; a parable out of it. The teen boys and girls listening, loved him for it. You could tell his lessons were all from the heart, because he'd always make each of us feel more important than any thing in the computer, or anything the computer does.

In his other hand, he held up the fan motor that keeps the computer insides cool. He continued, “This fan motor we all see lots of them all around us. These fan motors get turned on, and they spin continuously, until you switch them off. There's nothing strange about them. But I want to teach you about Mr. Funny Motor.”

Holding up the funny motor, the lesson went forward. This guy; this funny motor is almost never seen. He always seems to be back in the shadows or squeezed in some little spot where noone cares to look. When in reality, he should actually be getting the spotlight of lots of our attention. Without this guy we wouldn't be able to print things on our computers, store our files on disks and drives, and a thousand other things beyond our thoughts. The list of their uses can be found on the Internet, so I'll not take time here.”

Our funny motor here, acts like it has the jitters. It doesn't spin all the way around and keep it up, like the fan motor here. Because of the way the funny motor is made, it has to get it's electricity from a computer, that sends it pulses of electricity. Something like sending Morse code pulses along a wire. Well, this motor is able to count the number of pulses and then knows how much to turn. It may need to turn a few degrees, or half a revolution or lots of revolutions. But it always knows exactly when to stop and maybe even go back in the other direction.”
This 'funny motor' that seems like a nervous person; sort of jittery, is actually called a 'Stepper Motor'. Say it with me will you? Stepper Motor. OK. Great. All sorts of grinding machines that are run by computers, are big users of stepper motors. They make airplane wing parts, gasoline motor parts for cars and tons of other things that make our lives more productive and safer.”

Bob wrapped up his parable about stepper motors with, “I have to tell you. I try very hard to be a stepper motor controlled by God's direction and love for me. Stepper motors are crucial in getting printer cartridges, drills and all sorts of things in the position they need to be in. As God's stepper motor, I want to make sure I'm in the position He wants me to be in, as I try to encourage all you teens in His matchless love for each of you. Part of that right position is to always keep myself in His shadow and promote Him to always be in the spotlight of the lives and vision of others.”

Just like that poster on that wall over there reminds us, be cautious of the sharp edges of the metal computer parts. And also don't put your hands around your face until the parts have been disinfected and you've washed your hands. OK... back to the fun.”

I had gotten permission from Bob to borrow one of the stepper motors for a couple days. For almost a whole week, I looked at that 'funny motor' and wished God would show me how I could be fully connected to His leading and help myself and others to get on God's path to pleasing Him. Each day, I'd spend part of my Bible reading time searching for the scripture code that would help me to find my 'place' in discovering what God is up to.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

=2 The Willness Battle

It was a tough battle that promised not to end any time soon. When God called Noah's wife, Nenee, home to be with Him, the battle became even harder to survive. Nenee had lung problems the last 23 of her 71 years. Noah could still picture himself slipping the wedding ring on her finger in the little log cabin church, as the circuit-riding preacher, in a few moments, pronounced them husband and wife, almost half a century ago.

Noah couldn't count the number of times he used the back door of their little home, because Nenee was in her front porch 'office', counseling girls and young women. Her technique never changed – it didn't need to. Nenee sat in one home-made rocking chair with her well-worn Bible open on her lap, at the ready. The hurting one was in a similar rocker as both faced the fresh smelling forest, just a few yards away.

Any counseling professional today would be plum proud of those front porch moments – putting worlds back on track with God's directed mentoring. Today, some of her efforts would be labeled 'wellness training'. But in those front porch moments, one rocker spoke to the other what Nenee called 'willness training'.

To start with, she always preferred being called 'Granny' by others. It sort of put a homey partnering to the moments together. As she began with someone new, she'd engage the hurting one by talking about the forest; in front of them. It was God's forest that He made, and He made it for us. That forest had soft sweet-smelling parts over here and harsh brutal things over there. God's forest included flowers, berries, birds, bears, and briers. Granny was always strong on her student seeing that it all fit together, and stayed that way. God was in control when He made that forest, and He still is.

The Willness lessons made it clear, that in some respect, each of us has a forest within us and our daily activities too. We've been designed by the same One that created that birds 'n bears forest. And He wants us to work at putting our inside-outside forest in His capable control too. Without being pushy, Granny would hold her ragged Bible over to have her student read comforting promises written just for them. One of Nenee's lessons dealt with God's schedule of things in His creation and our timing of our selfish agendas that needed to be fashioned toward His. As the Willness lessons began to be understood, it was like opening a solid path; a lane letting in the light of truth and hope into those inside-outside forests we all carry around.

Today, Noah ached to have his precious Granny rocking on that front porch and they both share more Willness lessons and their promises. These rather empty days without her, would sometimes flash images of Him sitting in Nenee's rocker and sharing those Willness lessons with teens hungry for a path of light through their forest flooded with confusion and stress.

Noah wanted to get some branches and try to fashion one of those long-ago rocking chairs, flooded with prayers asking God to take him off his spectator bench and share with others the Willness lessons that reform our wills and ways into God's all-knowing ways of love, hope, and purpose.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

=3 The Splinter Story

Everybody hates splinters... everybody everywhere. Whenever I get a splinter or thorn in me, it's always in the part of my thumb or finger that continually irritates; it painfully nags me until I take action on it. Well, if there was ever such a thing as a 'splinter story', it had to be the one Bob Button told the teens and their work group, busy scrapping all the discarded computer parts, that would someday become missionary teaching kits, headed for Mexico and beyond.

Driving home after today's teen workshop, Noah Pierson tried to fit together the story that Bob had told. Noah couldn't think of much else. That story was becoming a mental splinter; a 'splinter story' that was to make big changes in Noah's life. Lessons from the story would nag Noah until something was done. The story went something like this:

[Beginning of Bob's story]

His teeth were chattering so bad; Marty couldn’t remember when it’d been worse. No. It wasn’t cold and he wasn’t scared. It was the railroad tracks. He said, “Todd. I’m never going to let you take this train tracks shortcut again while I’m riding on your handlebars.” When Todd doubled back under the train trestle and down the embankment, Marty thought he was a gonner for sure.

Surprise #1 came when the two boys rounded the last curve and spied the house. Nate and his mom lived in a house that was little more than a shack in a really remote part of the county. They certainly had no telephone and there was no evidence they had electricity either. The questions in Marty and Todd’s minds were really piling up. But the important thing was that their youth pastor asked that they visit Nate and invite him to the Computer Missions Club next Thursday.

The first impressions by the boys were that Nate would be better off not to be bothered about all this computing stuff since it sure looked like Nate would never have a computer - let alone use it in missions and for church. But little did the pair realize the exciting revelation God had in store for them today - that was to be surprise #2.

Marty’s grandfather would caution both the boys, in a situation like this to, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Or he might also say, “First impressions are most important, but not always correct.”

Only a couple raps on the rickety screen door and Nate was greeting the boys with very few words. The three teens sat on the front steps as Marty and Todd told a little bit about themselves. Nate didn’t talk much but listened with great interest. Todd started to tell some about the Computer Missions Club at church with a lot of enthusiasm. Nate reached out and picked up a piece of scrap paper lying on his front porch, not far from him. From his ragged shirt pocket he pulled out a broken off piece of a pencil and began doodling as the boys talked.

In no time at all Nate handed Marty the finished sketch he had done while listening to the boys. It was a simple drawing that included a cross, a computer, and a couple teenagers. They were arranged in a way you could almost make an emblem or a logo of it. Marty almost knocked Todd off the steps in his excitement over the sketch. As Nate saw the joy his creation had made, he took it back and above it wrote, “Computer Missions Club”.

The hoots and excitement prompted Nate’s mom to peer through the cracked front window. The three boys spent more time bouncing around ideas about using Nate’s apparent art skills as a tiny business of creating much needed computer missions clipart.

Peddling back home took a slower pace amid real remorse in Marty and Todd’s hearts. When it comes to drawing, they both certainly drew the wrong conclusions Nate’s home and abilities. Though they were both might grateful to God for bringing Nate into their friendship, their continuing thoughts brought examination of other lives that had crossed their path. Had they been too quick and ‘cruel’ in making hasty judgments of others? [End of Bob's story]

There are a number of lessons to learn from Bob's story. Noah touched on some of them in his mind. But the story was becoming a nagging 'splinter story' to Noah. He tried to put a face on Nate. A face; a teenage friend he hadn't met yet. Was this 'Nate' in the story, to be someone that Noah would search out? Did this future 'Nate' have an aching desire to be used of God, in the same way Noah begged Heaven for?

All this was to be answered a few days later, by the phone call, Noah would never never forget.

Monday, December 5, 2011

=4 Noah and the Phone Call

He didn't know why. It was just one of those things you're moved to start doing, hoping noone will ask you, “What's if for?” White-haired Noah had begun taking notes about Bob's lessons dealing with little computer parts and the simple-to-understand story parables he made with each one.

Noah sat at his kitchen table, finishing the last few sips of his morning coffee, still wishing his sweetheart was in the other chair always ready with short Bible promises that warmed the heart and soul more than the cup of coffee and muffin. He lightly fingered the edges of the pages of those lesson notes. It was almost more than he could do, to hold back from asking the empty chair what he was saving the lesson notes for. But he knew what he'd hear as Nenee's voice would happily tell her husband, “Noah! Another Noah took 120 years to build a boat with no oars and no motor! Stick to God's timing... God's timing.” It was her loving way of saying, “Prayer always makes patience less painful.”

The cup and saucer were placed in the sink just as the telephone rang. In fairness to older folks like Noah, the phone should have flashed a warning, “Be warned! This phone call is going to change your life, like you can't imagine... God is at work, and you're in the middle.”

The phone caller said, “Hey Noah! How ya doin' man?! This is Bob Button. You probably recognize my voice. I've got a question for ya. Have ya got a minute?” Noah's heart wanted to blurt out, 'Ya, I got a whole day full of unused minutes, and I don't like it.' Instead, Noah said, “Bob – for you, I've always got time. What's up?”

Noah, thanks for that. Well, I got a call about an hour ago from Ben. That's the teen with the orange hair and super baggy pants. He asked a favor of me, and I've just spent the last hour in prayer about it, before I called you. Ben told me about a special friend of his, about his same age. Now Ben is pretty sure his friend Sam is saved. Sam's given name is Samson Tiffin.” Bob continued, “Well anyway, Ben said his friend Sam was not very good getting around groups. Ben didn't give all the details about the boiling water scalding that disfigured Sam's face.”

Noah spoke into the phone, “I'm listening, Bob. Is there some way I can help?” In a pleased tone, Bob said, “Noah. I'm glad you said that, because that's why I'm calling. I want you to ask God about this, but I'd like for you to call me day after tomorrow and let me know if you can help. OK?” “Now Bob. I don't need any two days to talk this out with God. I've already been pleading with Him to let me help with the teens. I'm sure that Sam is part of His answer. Um, Bob. Can I call you tomorrow and see what plans you have for me to hook up with Samson... I mean Sam? Right now I'm ready to prance around my kitchen, like a kid unwrapping his most favorite present. I'll call you about 3 tomorrow. Is that OK?” Confirmation was made and the phone call ended.

Noah did a minute or two clapping and prancing around the kitchen. But he knew what he must do next. He knelt down at his dear-departed wife's rocker on the front porch and thanked the Lord for meeting his need for service by bringing a needy teen into his life. Almost like stepping into Nenee's ministry with teens, Noah seated himself in her 'teen-helpin' front porch rocker and stared at the forest nearby.

In his mind, he envisioned a teen named 'Sam' was lost and distressed in that woods, and God was splitting a clear path through that forest for Noah to follow by faith. His expectant heart asked if this was the way God's people felt as they saw the Red Sea open up for them to follow God's will to His uncountable promises? Noah assured himself there would be hungry bears and briers along the way. But that's nothing when a teen's life of hopelessness and out-cries for someone to care, can be heard, and led home to the love and safety of God's open arms.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

=5 Noah Meets Samson

Silver-haired Noah Pierson knocked at the front door of Samson Tiffin's house. A lady answered the door with some caution. Noah introduced himself as a friend of Samson's teenage friend, Ben. Noah said he'd like to just sit on the porch steps and meet Samson.

Sam's mom spoke loudly over her shoulder, “Sam. The man Ben called you about, is here and he'd like to say hello! Come on down and meet him!” Noah wore his baseball cap hoping it would give a warmer first impression. As Sam stepped past his mom going out the door, she asked, “Fellas. I just made a fresh batch of sun iced tea. Can I pour a glass for each of you?” Noah answered with a cordial 'please'. Sam didn't make eye contact with Noah much at all. His iced tea reply was, “yeah, I guess...”

Sam and Noah both sat on the concrete steps getting the full force of the July high-noon sun. Noah's heart told his mind, 'listen to God's leading. Don't mess this up.' The scars on Sam's face didn't disturb Noah but might discourage any of Sam's dating prospects.

Before the iced tea arrived, Sam began with, “Ben told me he asked you to come over. And that's OK, so long as you don't drown me with a bunch of DOs and DON'Ts.” Noah's reply was, “Works for me. Actually, I'm here to LEARN, not TEACH or DICTATE. When my wife died last year, there seemed to be so much I needed to learn about others, and their challenges. Nenee would sit on our front porch and just open her heart to teen girls and remind them of God's love and provision.”

We live right next to a big woods and I sure miss taking quiet walks with her among all those tall refreshing trees. Sam, I wanna ask you, 'have you ever loved someone so much, you could talk to them without using words?' God has given us so many ways to show our compassion and love to others, sometimes just by a warm look, or a gentle touch or hug. What do you think, Sam?”

The iced tea arrived, and welcomed by teen and man. After a few long refreshing sips, Noah spoke. “Sam, I was serious when I said, I came here to learn; learn about you teens and the incredible challenges you all face. By the way, I'd appreciate it if you'd have eye contact with me, often. I can see that a hot-water accident has given you some challenges that other teens and I don't have to deal with. But you know what? I firmly believe God is going to show both of us, that you've got some really great reasons to hold your head high and be proud of the many good gifts God has already given you.”

Noah continued with, “Sam, I'm trying to help Bob Button and some other adults at the teens workshop that your friend Ben is really enjoying. I'm guessing Ben has already told you a bit about the workshop. While we work on our iced tea, can I tell you about the jitter-bike ride story that Bob told us? It's a cool story that sure spoke to my heart, and maybe it will yours too.”

Sam's finger traced a crack in the steps as he listened with interest to the Jitter-Bike Story the white-haired man was retelling to the young teen next to him. When the story was finished, more sips from sweating glasses of iced tea. Noah remained silent, giving the teen time to digest the story.

Is it OK if I call you Noah?” came a timid question from Sam. The reply was, “Sure, Sam. Anything you want. I want to be your friend; your ongoing friend. Call me anything you like.” Sam said, “Well, I was just wondering. I liked the story you just told. It really strikes home with me when people will look on my insides, and not just my face. The other thing is that Ben had told me about the Funny Motor Story that Bob had told at the workshop. I was just thinking that until you get another name, it might be neat to call the group Teen Steppers.”

Sam opened up with his thoughts to silver-haired Noah. “You talk about a stepper motor making little steps in its rotation, and then you said these little jerky funny motors are super important in helping printers and grinding machines to step across a sheet of paper or other stuff. Well... these steps we're sitting on, we could be like 'teen steppers', making our way up these steps in service for God. You'd have to be real careful, though. If you don't say that in the right way, my generation might think you gotta work your way up to get to Heaven. And Noah, I'm certain none of us could do that. Jesus done it all for us!”

Noah stood up while asking, “Sam. I've gotta take off. This visit we've just had, has meant so much to me. If I call first, would I be able to come over next Tuesday, after supper? I need some more of your great ideas.

The silver-haired man did a teen hand-shake with Sam by sort-of bumping fists. Noah drove about 3 blocks and then pulled over to a parking area. He pulled out a pencil and used an old envelope that was on the car seat to write on. Noah excitedly scribbled down, the things he just learned from Sam. Right under the notes he wrote: “God's up to something!”

Saturday, December 3, 2011

=6 What'd I Do Wrong?

Noah Pierson sat alone in his favorite easy chair. At least he thought he was alone. Today, about this time every day, the silver-haired widower picked up his well-worn Bible. Not knowing exactly what scripture God wanted him to feed on today, he fanned through the yellowing pages, with their notes he'd put there. Some notes were great sermon tips, others were sort of a written thank you to God, for a stormy moment that verse had helped him through.

It just seemed that everywhere Noah went and things he heard, he'd strive to make a note or two about it. Some were deeply heartfelt notes with tearful memories. One Bible notation he'd made asked, “Why has this happened to me?” As his eyes slowly traced the note over a couple more times, it seemed like he could hear the question in Sam's humble tone, “What have I do ne wrong, to make God mad enough to burn me like this?” And a further question, “Is there something I can do to really say I'm sorry God, I won't do it again?”

Maybe in different words, these questions are like the ones asked by every generation, “Why does God let bad things happen to good people?”
In some of Noah's deepest moments, he still asked that same question of God. Noah decided the best way to begin answering the question is to help Sam 'listen' to the lesson Jesus taught about the parenting skills of His Heavenly Father... in the last 10 verses of Matthew chapter 6.

Then the light came on.

As he sat at the kitchen table, lightly sliding his fingertips over some pages of his open Bible, Noah's mind scanned over the lives of well-known characters in its pages. The characters that came to mind were ones that struggled with burdens, or what folks today call 'baggage'. In fact, most characters in scripture, each had their own hurdles, that God, 'for HIS reasons', allowed into their lives. Noah had settled long ago, that God was not sadistic by putting pain on people, for His own personal pleasure. The Romans did enough of that in Bible times, as a sport, themselves.

Still running his fingers over the pages, Noah Pierson realized that God was doing two major things in each of their lives. Number one was a polishing process, to make them more atuned to His will as they ran to His protective loving arms for comfort and direction. The second was the comfort that Noah, and all of us – in our stormy moments, would get as we saw from scripture God using those storms of doubt and distress, to minister to others. It was like others would listen to someone who, by God's hand, had 'been there – done that'. The challenges faced by one, becomes a way to gain access to the heart and hurts of another. It was like a 'pain-stained password', allowing me to become a partner with you in discovering God's purpose and power in serving Him with 'joy overflowing'.

Noah got up from the kitchen chair and walked out to the front porch and gently sat in his dear departed wife's rocker, she had soothed so many hearts in their stormy moments. He looked at the worn arm rests, and slowly moved his fingers across the arm rests just as he had been doing with the Bible pages, moments earlier. The light was beginning to show a special purpose in God taking his precious wife, Nenee home to glory. Heaven was making room in Noah's heart for other lives full of storms; like those of Sam and his long-ago boiling water accident. That light of understanding even showed some faint glimmers of other youth God has already been preparing for their terribly needed rocking chair moments on Noah's front porch.

Friday, December 2, 2011

=7 Leading From Behind

A telephone call like no other. Noah's phone rang and was answered. “Is this Noah Pierson?”, was the lady's question. “Yes, this is Noah Pierson.” “Well great. I'm Bonnie Tiffin. You sat on our front porch talking with my son Sam a few days ago. He mentioned you and the kind things you had to say to him, and teens as a whole. Well, I have a favor to ask.” There was a pause before Noah caught his breath and replied, “Sure, Mrs. Tiffin. I'll help if I can.”

Mrs. Tiffin spoke, “Mr. Pierson, for the next couple days after you were here, Sammy's spirits were riding high. He didn't stare at the floor nearly as much as he used to. When his dad left after the divorce two years ago... well... he just needs an older wiser buddy to spend some time with and keep the right perspective on things today. Now, I'm sure you're pretty busy these days, but if you could see your way clear to come over and visit with him again, I'd be plum grateful.” Noah's heart wanted to yell out, “I CAN BE THERE IN 20 MINUTES!” But instead, he replied in a friendly tone, “I could come day after tomorrow, after supper, if that's ok with you. I'd prefer calling you that day, before I come, just to confirm.” “Mrs. Tiffin. I'd really like it if you and Sam would call me Noah or Gramps, instead of Mr. Pierson.” “Well, Gramps, I'm sure Sammy will be thrilled. We'll expect a call from you day after tomorrow. Have a good day. Good by.”

Two days later, silver-haired Noah greeted Sam Tiffin on the teenager's front porch. This was fast becoming a 'win-win' friendship. The teenager with a scarred face looked forward to the silver-haired senior's visits very much. And the reverse was true also. Noah began his 'leading-from-behind' mentoring of the teen with, “Sam. I am very serious in saying I thank you for letting me come over and learn about teenagers from you. I mean it.”

See... two years ago my wife died and it's been pretty tough to find important things for me to do with my days.” Noah looked toward Sam with a soft smile and said, “My mom raised me to be a doer not a watcher. She'd always tell me, 'don't worry about making a mistake. Just get out there and do your best while you're asking God for His help. Noah, don't you cheat God! He wants to join you in doing the things that He's best at. So don't cut Him out.' ”

Noah continued, “Sam, I don't know how many times mom would point her finger in my face and exclaim, 'Noah. We named you after a famous boat builder that spent a long time building something that had never been done before. People laughed at him, but because he was committed to doing his best at what God wanted him to do, many people and animals were saved. And what's more, we're still reading about him today. So son, make us proud, and God happy.'”

After a few moments of quiet, Sam said, “Gramps, I'm just so afraid that kids and people will make fun of me, 'cuz of my burned face. So I just stay home and wish this was all just a bad dream.”

In an instant, Noah slapped both his legs and exclaimed, “Sam! I know what! Let's dream. I have a fairly good imagination, and I'll bet you do too.” Turning in his seat for better eye contact with the teen, Noah said, “Let's make a dream. Here's what we'll do. We are going to dream up a business. You and I'll pretend we're going to start up a business. You know, we've gotta think what we'll sell and how we'll make it and how much it will cost and all that stuff. Wouldn't that be cool?! It doesn't cost us anything to dream, does it, Sam?”

It was like a siren went off, in Sam Tiffin's head. For the very first time his eyes seemed to have a sparkle in them. In some way, it seemed his scarred face didn't make any difference anymore. The teenager wanted to hug Noah, I mean 'Gramps', but wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do. The silver-haired senior settled that in short order. His arms had ached a long time for someone to hug, and this was the perfect time. Noah wanted so much for his departed wife to know about the friendship just made, on Sam's front porch.

I think she did. Don't you?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

=8 Poster Power Business

Noah was really pumped (excited) on Thursday, as he walked up to Sam Tiffin's front door. There was no doubt this partnership-in-the-making, was absolutely the best of any so-called 'win-win' situations. Though Sam was a new Christian, he desperately needed an older buddy as something of a 'grandpa' to share his teenage feelings and be introduced to some of the potential that God puts in all of us. On the other hand, Noah Pierson needed to be needed, every day, in fact. His precious Nenee had been called home to Glory two years ago and left the house and Noah's daytime hours mighty empty. Silver-haired Noah was already seeing little happenings that told him that God was definitely up to something. That something was starting to show itself as a partnership between Noah, God, and the teenager – Sam Tiffin.

Sam escorted Noah (who preferred to be called 'Gramps') in to the kitchen and were seated at the table. As Gramps voiced the closing 'amen' to his prayer for them, Sam's mom, Bonnie, set two frosty glasses of Sun-iced-tea in front of the pair. She looked toward Gramps and said, “Thanks for coming over, Gramps. We both like it when you visit. I'll leave both you men to talk over business, while I give some buttons their proper home on a blouse. If you need anything, just holler.” She headed for her sewing basket softly humming a happy tune, like she also thought God was up to something wonderful.

Gramps was ready to start the next phase of his 'leading-from-behind' process. “Sam, the last time we talked, we decided it'd be fun to create an imaginary business. You remember?” The enthusiastic reply was, “You gotta be kidding! My mind has been going a mile a minute! I've been getting so many ideas, I had to start making notes.” Noah noticed the scarred scalded face now lit up like a rocket about to jump into orbit - blazing a path to exciting discoveries for this teen and his precious silver-haired friend.

As we start putting together our imaginary business, you and I both know Satan is going to throw a monkey-wrench into our plans one way way or another. I figured we should start right out using Poster Power.” The teen scratched his head and thought, “Oh no. He's started one of those senile moments that all old folks like Gramps are supposed to get.” The confused look on Sam's face easily told Noah what was going on, in Sam's mind.

Sam. Try to think of a poster as your own private grandpa. The poster hanging on your bedroom wall is a constant reminder of important things - that Satan does NOT want you to remember. Maybe think of a poster as an important note that shouts.” Noah paused a moment, as he laid a shopping bag on the table in front of them. He began emptying its contents as he spoke, “Before you think I've flipped out, let me do the poster this week and you can do the one for next week.”

The teen almost heard the launch count down in his heart as Gramps continued his explanation in a happy expectant tone. Gramps positioned a poster panel on the table and withdrew a green marker to begin the poster. Sam watched every move, like he might have to do the same thing in front of one of his few friends.

What first appeared on the poster was a large tower with many of those criss-cross beams that gives strength in stormy times. It's not hard to think that each of us need our own supply of criss-cross beams in our own hearts for each stormy moment that Satan sends. After the simple tower was finished, Noah (I mean Gramps) spoke. “Now my poster today is about a fella that wanted to build a tower. This fella was given a rule to go by, that included a warning. Now, Sam. The rule and warning this fella got, was important to him and it's super important to us, as we build our imaginary business. Ya with me?” If Sam was any more interested, he'd forget to breathe. “Yeah, Gramps. Don't stop. What was the rule and warning, that was important?”

Actually, God had Mr. Luke write it down so we could easily learn and share it. Sam, open your Bible there, to Luke chapter 14, starting at verse 28.” After reading the verse and the next one, the silver-topped mentor went on to explain that counting the cost was a crucial step in PREPARATION to building a tower (or even a business). The rule here was to make sure you had everything needed to start the project, which might be boards, nails, or attitudes and rules.

Now, the warning was that if good preparation was neglected, the project probably wouldn't be finished. If the project wasn't finished, all those watching would be ashamed of the fella. Gramps used a different color marker and wrote next to the tower, “PREPARATION is crucial”. Just below that, was the simple words, “PEOPLE ARE WATCHING.” Whether we want to, or not – each of us are teachers in everything we do. And we'll never know all those who are watching us. We need to always be doing our best – as unto the Lord. Another helpful verse is “Let all things be done decently and in order.” 1Corinthians 14:40.

The two at the table continued talking about other preparation steps that should be remembered. Sam said a warm thankful closing prayer to God, and to Gramps, before the 'business' meeting came to a close.

Do you suppose that Jesus 'counted the cost' as plans were put in place for Him to shed His innocent blood on the Cross, for the sin of man?

=9 Ben's Bomb

Space Station astronaut food doesn't place pizza and pop at the top of the menu, but it should, thought Sam. Sam almost choked, trying to get his share of the pizza before his friend Ben, gobbled far more than his share. If it's possible to inhale pizza, Ben is sure to come close. Both pizza-eating teens had very few friends. With his orange spiked hair, it was a little easier to tell that Ben, more than Sam, had some serious unanswered questions in his life. Ben had tried so many bizarre things to find meaning, purpose, peace, and love, it would scare an Army commando.

With the pizza gone, Sam began telling Ben some of the exciting things, his silver-haired friend, Gramps (that's Noah Pierson) had been teaching him. In spite of Ben's orange hair and facial jewelery, he listened closely to all that Sam was saying. Looking into Ben's eyes, you could almost see his brain wheels turning. It was almost like feeding little bits of gasoline into an old car that was trying to come to life, as the lessons of preparation, others are watching, and decently and in order were being shared.

Ben's Bomb Was Dropped!

Mr. Orange Hair (that's Ben) dropped his bomb with the question, “Ok, Sam. So what's your poster going to be about? Startin' this imaginary business, what poster do you think ought to shout to everyone?” In his heart, Sam was pretty sure that Ben was not saved. Ben had told Sam once before, he was sure he wasn't saved. He wanted Ben to talk to Noah as they discussed salvation. The poster in Sam's heart, warned of Ben's need to be saved and sure.

Sam decided to make a different poster for now – but he didn't know what. Ben's finger traced a pattern in the tablecloth and said, “Why don't you make your poster about the 'decently and in order thing'? It sounds pretty important to me – especially in this startup phase.” BOOOM!! The bomb was dropped, with no turning back. Ben's brain wheels had no intention of keeping this 'business' imaginary.

Ben continued, “Look Sam. That phrase... er verse, is two-fisted; I'm thinking 'decently' would mean the AMOUNT or size or speed, or something like that. The 'in order' thing talks about the DIRECTION or sequence. Ya hit the ball and then run to FIRST base, not second.”

The two teens continued planning on the layout for the poster as Sam's mom came in the kitchen to get a toothpick for something. Without any words of interruption, she returned to her sewing project in the living room. She could hardly believe what she had just seen the teens in the kitchen doing. Through all the struggles Sam had been dealing with, since his parent's messy divorce last year, Sam seemed to be finding his right path.

Holding back tears, Sam's mom closed her eyes and could still see HER SON Sam pointing Ben's attention to the words in his open Bible. “Let all things be done decently and in order.”

God is up to something, whether it's with orange hair, pizza, posters, or Heaven's promises.

=10 Hunting Samantha

'Right-Brain Recruiting' might be the title of some guidance Gramps (a.k.a. Noah Pierson) began sharing with the teen boys, forming their imaginary business.

Silver-haired Gramps loved filling his often empty retirement days with thoughts and mentoring of the teen boys, Sam and his newly included Ben. Gramps was super grateful to God for leading the two teens with super challenges trying to reach the 'young adult' class of society. Even a first glance told you the boys were in stormy seas; Sam with his badly scarred face and Ben with his orange spiked hair and considerable facial jewelery.

While first impressions might suggest otherwise, the boys were a 'God-send', literally, in how they gave Noah (I mean, Gramps) a mission for each day. When Sam's mom brought Noah into the kitchen table, Ben and Sam were already there, excitedly sharing ideas for their imaginary business.

Gramps got seated and Bonnie continued her laundry folding tasks in the spare bedroom. Gramps began their meeting by leading the teens in prayer asking for God's leading and unity, knowing Satan is always trying to destroy any Christians working together. Gramps always liked to include a little about salvation, in his prayers; especially since he knew that Sam was saved, but wasn't so sure about Ben.

Gramps began with, “Fellas, I want to share an idea, the Lord put in my heart a couple days ago. It has to do with our business, and how we can make it our best. It has something to do with Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden.” Sam thought, “Oh, no. Gramps is having a senile moment, where his mind is in another world, with this Garden of Eden thing.”

Guys, I believe we ought to keep our eyes out for a girl to be a part of our business, and here's why. For a whole number of reasons, God partnered a woman with Adam to help take care of the Garden and other things. More than that, he gave Eve some special skills that Adam wasn't especially strong in. For instance, while men take a little more logical mechanical at dealing with life's challenges, women uses skills that scientists tell us are most prominent in the right half of the brain. So in the same way that our left and right halves of our brain compliment each other, so do men's skills and women's skills.”

Gramps continued, “I mean, God has 'wired' women to be more sensitive, to the feelings and visual queues from others. They are more proficient at doing highly repetitive tasks, and even better at multitasking than men are. And it's certainly no secret women are far better at communicating than we are. Now what I've said, doesn't make women better than men or worse. You can't say a fork is better than a spoon, they're each better at doing some things than others.”

Now fellas, I'm suggesting that we should be asking God to show us a girl or lady that might be better at doing some things in our business, than we are. I'm thinking our business would be hindered by keeping it a 'men and boys' business. We'll be our best if we take lessons from how God does things, and also nature He's created all around us.

=11 Closet Secrets

I like to write stories,” silver-haired Gramps told his teen friends, Ben and Sam. “Since we've been talking about creating this imaginary business, and just starting to think about what we want to make or do, I made you each a copy of one of my many stories I've written over the years. Take it home and read it without any interruptions... maybe even more than once. Boys, God has many tasks that He needs done for people who are serving Him, and just maybe, we might be a step ahead if we pretend our business was something to help Him and those He loves.”

Now, most businesses are either selling a SERVICE or they're selling STUFF – you know, parts or pictures, or other things that can have a part number on them, and maybe even a picture in a catalog. Well, anyhow, read the story, pray about what God wants our business to be about, and we'll share our ideas next time.” The story Gramps gave the boys, is as follows:
Thirteen-year-old Alia quickly thought of all the things she might have said as she followed the animal doctor back to her office. Seeing the worried look on Alia’s face, Doc Neese invited her to sit down. “Now, there is nothing wrong, so don’t look so worried,” she began. “Actually, I wanted to talk to you about the laptop computer you’ve brought in with you. I noticed that in the waiting room you were doing something on your laptop, but it didn’t seem to be a game.”

Alia breathed a sigh of relief. “Well, for my initiation into my neighborhood’s computer club, I have to come up with a good use for a computer that doesn’t have anything to do with entertainment. What I like to do most of all is to make special lists called databases that you can do neat things with.”

Doc saw the serious attitude with which Alia described some of the simple things for which she had made lists, but she didn’t mention anything that would help her pass her club initiation. Alia had hardly finished sharing her problem with the initiation project, when Doctor Neese rose to her feet from behind a desk that was piled high with books and papers. She went over to a large closet, slid open the doors, and said to Alia, “I’ve got a project for your initiation that I think you would enjoy doing.” She pointed to several large stacks of papers, all neatly tied up with strings. Alia looked puzzled.

Beg your pardon, ma’am, but what does cleaning out this closet have to do with my computer project?” The soft-spoken animal doctor explained to Alia that the stacks of papers were actually records of the medicine, that she had given to animals brought in for treatment over the last two years. The problem was, the little animal clinic had to make every bit of money count. The biggest waste was buying too much of a certain kind of medicine, and then having to throw some of it away because it was too old to be used any longer. “Alia, it would be a big help and money saver if you would create a database list of all the medicines that were actually used,” she said. Doc added, “It will be very important for you to include when, and for which kind of animal patient.”

After getting permission from her parents, and praying about the project, Alia began the following Saturday. Doctor Neese was impressed by her mature approach in that she didn’t even bring her laptop computer. Between patients, Alia told the doctor that good databases require good planning, even before touching the keyboard.

By the next Saturday, the office clerk had gone through every one of the old closet records and had written a number on each one. Alia wouldn’t even have to type in names and addresses. Doc made the project even easier by giving Alia a numbered list of all the medications she had used on her animal patients.

Alia saw how pleased Doctor Neese was, as her chaotic medicine inventory started to take shape. And she also noticed the growing satisfaction within herself as she continued to work on such an important project, which went well beyond the initiation requirements.

Alia thought about the key ingredients she had used.
  1. Pray for God’s leading in the project
  2. Preparation even before she touched the computer.
  3. Permission from her parents.
  4. Praising the Lord for His goodness.
(End of Noah's story he sent home with Ben and Sam.)

=12 Sunspots 'n Mannie

Sunspots. It must be tons of sunspots or something. Mannie's odd feelings began about the time she was brushing her hair and getting on her school clothes in a rush. It felt like some sort of gigantic magnet in the clouds that kept grabbing her mind when she wasn't already stretching it to the limits, starting her school day. It was her fault she hadn't told her dad at supper last night that her bike chain had broken, so she'd have to walk over to Jacob's and catch a ride to school with them. “Oh well... life goes on”, the 15 year old thought.

So, book bag over the left shoulder, breakfast bar and juice cup in one hand, a kiss for mom and a 'see ya!' to a preteen brother, and out the door she went. With a bit of a quick step, she munched on the breakfast bar when that sunspot magnet, or whatever, pulled at her thoughts. It was really annoying, not knowing why the pulling. She had a Biology test second period and would need every bit of brainpower, getting the chromosome definitions and other stuff answered right.

Before she got over to Jacob's to hitch a ride to school, she noticed the new house being built. It now had its windows and doors, and was all ready for a roof. What caught Mannie's eye, and brought her to a stop, were the leftovers in the front yard. Over here was a stack of 30 or so boards the builders didn't need to nail up the house walls. And nearby was a pile of leftover chunks of boards that had been sawed off to make things fit.

Her eyes and full attention fixed on the two piles of leftovers, almost asking if they had the answer to these sunspot magnet feelings. No answer. “I gotta scoot. I'll miss my ride and then I'll really be in trouble,” she thought.

The rest of the school day went reasonably well, but then the sunspot thing came up at the supper table. In between bites, Mannie told her mom and dad about those sunspot magnet feelings and the leftover piles thoughts that were really beginning to bug her. The meal was about finished, when her mom tapped the edge of her brother's plate and said, “Eat your broccoli now or I'll put your leftovers in the refrigerator and you can eat them cold tomorrow.” His comments clearly indicated he didn't like either option.

Jack, (that's Mannie's dad) said, “hey, those broccoli leftovers remind me of some famous leftovers in the Bible. I think it'd be a great idea for you two youngins to take a look at them, in your personal Bible time, tonight. See if you can find them in Mark chapter 8.” Mannie thought only a nerdy brother like mine would ask, “Dad! You mean the Bible talks about leftover broccoli?” She thought, “How can God say He loves us, and at the same time give us younger brothers?”

Mannie's cell phone was put to sleep, and her homework done. Her Bible was opened up to the broccoli leftovers – I mean the Mark 8 leftovers. She slowly read the two verses where Jesus quizzed His disciples about the catering of the 5000+ and the 4000+. No, there were no sunspot magnets around while she read about these leftovers of fish and bread.

Wanting so desperately to get to the bottom of all this leftover business, Mannie closed her eyes and tried to envision Jesus quizzing her, along with the disciples. In spite of the other powerful facts, Jesus kept asking His pupils about the leftovers... how much was left? Did anyone go hungry? Was Jesus putting special emphasis on leftovers or some of His gifts to us, we don't give enough attention to? Hmmmmmm.

Then the other thing Mattie noticed, was the two test questions were worded almost the same. Food, fed, and then fragments(leftovers). And the same sequence again. In an exciting way, she thought, “Hey! That's just like a little database! God knows I love to make lists of stuff, in my computer and then sort them different ways and make a neat report about them. Wow! God gave us a computer manual that starts out, 'In the beginning, God'.”

Now if that wasn't enough about leftovers, God had saved the best for last. At breakfast the next morning, Mannie was telling her mom about the Mark 8 leftover database. Her mom put jam on the last slice of toast and said, “When I visit at the nursing home, I see many people who seem to be forgotten by their families, church, and our community. I wonder if there is such a thing as leftover people – ones I've chosen to neglect?”

Dear God, draw my heart to leftover people, young and old, who your Son Jesus gave His life on the Cross to save.

=13 Don't Want Any!

Anyone blind in one eye can see He don't want any!” Sam continued with, “Ben and I have been asking God for almost a whole month, if He has a girl that can help us with our business, even though it's only imaginary.” While Sam's teen orange-haired friend nodded in agreement, Noah piped up with, “Whoa now! Let's not be too hasty now. Maybe we need to make sure we're lined up with God's schedule, and not our own. Sure as I'm 70 with my silver hair falling out, we need not get pushy when it comes to God doing His work.”

It really seems to me His scheduling was OK when He created all this world around us, and gave us the sun, moon, and stars for timekeeping and directions. I know it's not the best thing you teens want to hear, but the boat-builder with my name, spent 120 years working without any power tools or much of any help. Worse than that, everyone was laughing and mocking him all the while,” Noah reminded the boys.

It's That 'Doors Thing'

Gramps (that's Noah Pierson) told the teen boys, “Fellas, it's definitely time we talk about the 'Doors Thing.' If you picture yourself in a hallway, that leads to many rooms, or offices. You pretty well know you are welcome into the rooms that have their doors open. On the other hand, closed doors signal us to 'stay out'. It's a pretty simple way of guiding you and into places we can or should go, or not – at least not now, anyhow. Pretty simple concept, right?”

The lesson for the teens continued with, “That guiding by using open doors is exactly how Jesus leads those who love Him, each day. We begin each day wanting to know His will for that day, and even which to do first. Well, we start out by looking for the door He has open to us. One open door is labeled 'Praise Jesus Room', another is 'Scripture Meals Served Here', another open door is 'Dump Your Burdens Here', and 'Your Harvest Assignments Are Here', etc.”

I bet you two teens can think of some labels on the doors Jesus has closed and latched. I got an idea. While we're waiting on God's direction and provision for stuff we'd like for our business, let's make a list with three columns. In the first column we'll put the labels of doors that God has open for all all those that love Him. In the middle column we'll put door labels that might be open to you, Sam, but not to Ben, or vice versa. In the right column we'll put door labels that will never be open to anyone who loves and wants to serve Jesus.”

Noah said, “Before we have prayer and you two head for home, I want to tell you about a door that has ears... you know, these things on the side of our head. Well, this door is so important to teens, the Bible tells us about it.” The boys looked closely as Noah turned his open Bible to John 10, starting at verse 9. There was the description of THE door, the one and only door that is always open to each and every person, who seeks peace, hope, protection, and provision. Read the description yourself, and then share it often with a friend.

=14 Loose Screws

It was a wreck that a junk yard would probably turn down. The two teens, Sam and Ben kept looking out the back window to see if any fenders had fallen off Noah's old wreck of a pickup truck. Silver-haired Noah had invited the boys to help fix some doors over at the little country church. Noah loved doing things with the boys, especially since his beloved Nenee went home to Glory last year.

But Noah cherished every moment with the teens. God had built a fire for teens in the old man, and these two bouncing in the seat with him were his teachers, full of valuable lessons about growing up teenager, in this stress-filled world.

The teens followed Noah around the little church and checked each door to see if each one closed and latched OK. Many were found to need attention; some kind of adjusting or oiling.
Ben called out to Noah, from another room with, “Hey Gramps! This door here needs some work on its hinges! It looks like it has a couple screws loose!” Sam responded rather loudly, “...Some screws loose? Ben, if you keep wearing that orange hair people are going to think you've got some screws loose!” Sam made sure to say it with a bit of a chuckle in his tone.

What silver-haired Noah heard next, couldn't have hurt any more than if he was shot with a gun. Ben explained, “Sam, I don't like this orange hair. I think it makes me look like a clown and pushes grownups to distrust me, even be afraid of me. But Sammy, it gets me noticed. This is the only way I know to get any attention – any at all, good or bad. I guess I'm a little like this door hinge. Yeah, there are some parts of me that need tightened up a bit, but I just wish I could find someone that cared more about me than to just throw some lubricating oil at me... telling me what stupid decisions I make... that's all.”

Ben continued, “I'll tell you something else. Most of the guys I've been around get tattoos that are pretty expensive. They take several hours of pain that can be about a 6 on a scale of 10. They like the pain because it continues on, for days after it's done. If you got color, you have to go back again later and get the fading colors touched up again. Mostly they don't care about the picture, they go after the pain. See, Sam, they want the pain because it hides the greater pain inside their head and heart. That inside pain keeps screaming in their mind that no one cares, that they're not worth dirt – and never will be. The tattoo pain hides all that for a little while, just like a person getting drunk or doped up.”

In his own heart, Noah heard a door of opportunity open. The door had been labeled, 'Help Wanted'. A red marker had changed the door label to read, 'Hope Wanted'.
With a bit of a quiver in his voice, Noah said, “Hey guys. I'm off to bring back some subs and cokes for us. I'll be back in about 30 minutes. Oh. I'll get some chips too. Watch out for each other till I get back.”

The Surprise Those 30 Minutes Held -

Hey Ben! Come take a look at this!” was Sam's shout to his friend, in the little church. “Ben, I was going to check another door as I walked past this bulletin board. I want you to look at this report listing the names of church friends in the nursing homes, and their birthdays all arranged in calendar order, grouped by month. I think that looks pretty neat.” Now both teens would agree that Ben doesn't always come up with great ideas, even when he's trying to, but he threw out the idea anyhow. “Sam, I wonder if this Mannie in their teen department would like to try out some of her computering in our business. It wouldn't hurt to ask, would it?”

Isn't it incredible how God opens doors of opportunity, in places you didn't think there was even a wall?

=15 Brainstorming

Imagination launch... that's really what it was. Silver-haired Gramps (aka Noah Pierson) had his aching right leg propped up on a nearby kitchen chair. The two teens, Sam and 'orange hair' Ben were seated at the same table. Sam was examining the small cobwebs in the kitchen ceiling corner, while Ben traced the pattern on the tablecloth. The gears in the three heads were grinding away, trying to think of a product for their business, that was still imaginary.

Gramps began with, “Well, guys. We've started out today's meeting with asking God to lead us, and I'm sure He will, as long as we don't get to pushing Him. I want to show you something.” Gramps went to the silverware drawer and pulled out an odd looking plastic spoon. He said, “Very seldom is something invented just out of the blue, as we say. Lots of times something was discovered when a completely different kind of product was being looked for. This kind of hints at the fact that ideas have to be tried... then changed... and changed again. And coming up with something new, takes an attitude of not being afraid to fail. Courage is needed to get right back up and keep on trying, learning from each mistake.”

Gramps continued with his lesson, “But most often, something new is discovered, by combining two existing things in a way that had never been thought of before. Now look at this goofy looking little plastic spoon. Yeah, I know you've seen them lots of times. This is a really handy rascal, especially to handicapped people that can't use forks AND spoons to eat. What some guy probably did, without any rocket science or anything technical, was laid a spoon along side a fork, and asked himself, 'how can I combine the two?' I don't remember its funny name, but he simply took a spoon and put a few points on the end of it, that were just sharp enough to stab a piece of meat or cheese.”

The kitchen got quiet again as those brain gears kicked into high range again. As though it was an expensive piece of china, Sam carefully took hold of the always open 'kitchen' Bible and slid it over in front of him. The fingers of his right hand moved across the page as though he was testing for bumps in the printed words. After a minute or two, Sam asked, “Gramps. S'pose we made some fun way for people to get into the Bible? I mean so they'd really want to keep coming back, and maybe even get their friends to join them. It would need to be fun for grownups and kids. Maybe make it some kind of a game.”

Ben got a big grin and piped up with, “How about hangman? My younger brother and sister would play this game where you have to fill in the missing letters of a word. I don't know... I guess it's just a silly idea to connect hangman with the Bible. Oh well, I've never been smart enough to come up with really good ideas, I guess. Probably when God was handing out brains, I thought He said 'trains', and I didn't want any.”

Gramps spoke up in a determined tone, “Hold on now Ben. Don't sell God short. He's given each of us a computer between our ears that scientists couldn't begin to build. Even if they came close, that computer wouldn't know anything about God and His deep abiding love for you and me, whether we're young or old. Hey... I was just thinking. When my Nenee was still alive, she would often spend a lot of time in what she called, her 'word book'. Her word book was full of nothing but wordsearch puzzles... you know. Each puzzle was just a bunch of random letters in rows and columns, that had key words hidden them.”

Fellas, I believe we need to close in prayer and let these ideas cook. God is certainly in no hurry with his blessings and opportunities for us, so let's not get ahead of Him. Let's take a few days and chew on these ideas, and maybe some others. If it's OK with you two, we'll meet up here, next Saturday at the same time and do some more of this brainstorming of ideas for our business.”

After the boys rode away on their bikes, Noah (I mean Gramps) returned to his open kitchen Bible and looked for the verse going through his mind,”...for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Like a meal more nourishing than anything you could eat with silverware, Noah savored all the juicy words and thoughts, King David penned in Psalm 139. He reread slowly the words of verse 14 - “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

=16 No Gimme Prayers

Sam Tiffin's mom, Bonnie, ushered silver-haired Noah into the kitchen and take a seat. Sam and his orange-haired teen buddy, Ben were already seated. They had been talking about some ideas for a product that their imaginary business could produce and sell. Noah touched the shoulder of each boy, and with loving eye contact, told the boys how much he loved being accepted as their sort-of Gramps.

Sam did a great job with the opening prayer, thanking God for Gramps' friendship and caring so deeply for the boys. Bonnie, leaning against the kitchen doorway was silently praising God for the partnering of the three at her kitchen table. In her heart she almost begged God to keep Satan away from harming the unity that was clearly brightening her spirits and those of the three 'business' partners at the table.

Bonnie headed for her spare bedroom sewing basket as Gramps set a brown paper bag on the table in front of them. He began, “Fellas, any time you want to make this old man hear a happy tune in my heart, all you gotta do is make a prayer from your heart that I can hear. I can remember so many dark dreary days in my life, that my precious Nenee and I would hold hands over a Bible and hear the other go before the Lord in prayer. And not a one of them was a 'Gimme Prayer', either.

Ben interrupted with, “Gramps. Hold on, a minute! What'd you say? A 'Gimme Prayer'? I never heard of one of those before. When do you say a Gimme Prayer?” “Well, Ben, hopefully never. See, lots of folks, young and old, think prayer is a 'Dear God – give me this or give me that.' You know what I'm saying, 'gimme this or gimme that.' To my way of thinking, prayer isn't putting in an order for something you need or want. That misses the whole point of prayer.”

Gramps slowly moved his fingers over the pages of the open kitchen Bible, like he was smoothing them. He continued with, “Boys, this Bible tells us over and over, that God knows everything. He knows even better than we do, what we need and should have, and when. We want to be reminded of someone's love and trust by those we love. Well God is the same way. When we speak to Him, we should first tell Him how much we love Him. Almost the last thing in our prayer, we should tell Him our need, and that we'll trust His provisions according to HIS will not our own wishes. He proves over and over, He knows what we need most and when. The best example of that is His Son Jesus becoming our sacrifice for our sins on the Cross.

=17 The Jungle Path

Like it held something mysterious, Gramps began opening the paper bag he had brought with him, now sitting on the kitchen table. The eyes of both teen boys were glued to what was about to come out of the bag like Gramps was defusing a bomb or something else dangerous.

Noah Pierson (that's Gramps), placed something in front of Sam Tiffin that looked a little like a homemade blue ribbon award of some kind. He put a similar one in front of Ben (he's the one with the orange hair). Sam spoke first, with, “Thanks Gramps. I see it says 'The Winner's Circle' on the ribbon, but I don't understand what it's for.” Ben said he didn't understand either.

Gramps picked up one of the unused poster boards and some markers, they'd used before. He returned to the table and popped the top off the blue marker. He began to explain, “Because of what both of you suggested, when we began brainstorming, I now welcome you both into God's Winner's Circle here on planet Earth. You may not remember, but here are some crucial points you both touched on, we should make a poster of... here goes.”

Sam, you suggested our business make something connected with the Bible. Here, I'll put that on the poster... 1. Bible Connected. And number 2 was that you thought our product should be something fun... and number 3 was that it would entice them to share it with friends, young and old.

Now, Ben. You did the biggie. You put the frosting on this cake of a product.” “But Gramps, I didn't say nothin' about frosting, did I?” Silver-haired Noah explained with, “No... not exactly. But you said something very wise – and it wasn't about the trains 'n brains thing either. Ben, your goodie idea was to make a product that was a lot like something that people were already familiar with, kids and older folks, alike. Remember mentioning the game named, Hangman? Well, I believe that's an idea that can make this product a real juicy one, that God will even like... because it's connected with His precious word, our Bible.”

The notes were all added to the poster, and reviewed again, with each boy voicing more comments for them.

Gramps spoke in an almost spooky tone, with “Now I want you fellas to pretend you are about to start out on a path, not exactly like the one we're now on, making our imaginary company. I want you to sort of pretend you are on a path starting through a deep jungle, full of vines, trees, bushes, swamps, and trails that have no directions signs. OK?” The eyes of both teens got as big as golf balls.

I always thing of this jungle adventure whenever I read a verse in the biggest chapter of the whole Bible, Psalm 119. Verse 105 is simple and yet tells you how to get safely down any jungle path, or even through those teen-livin' years, that most often seem as dangerous and confusing as any jungle of snakes, tigers, spiders, and other stuff.” Gramps rubbed his hands together in an excitable manner.

You can actually divide this verse up into 4 pieces. Here we go.
Lamp unto my feet” (1)shows me the condition of my shoes and feet. (2) That lamp also shows me if my feet are on the path, or what I need to change to get on the path. Now 'Light unto my path' does two things too. (3) it lights the path ahead to help me know where to travel and what path is right for me. (4) the light unto my path also helps me recognize dangers along the path. Remember guys. The Bible talks about Satan as being a roaring lion seeking who he can devour...” Pointing to each of the four fingers of his right hand, Gramps reviewed each of the 4 points, two more times.

Before we close in prayer, fellas, look at the verse and tell me where this lamp and light come from.” The boys responded “Thy Word!” in unison so loudly, Bonnie poked herself with a pin clear back in the spare bedroom.

If you ask Him, God will tell you it's more than OK to get others excited about “Thy Word”.

=18 Little Big Things

God's up to something. He's REALLY up to something.” The thought kept propping up in Noah's mind in a way that often made him forget about the nagging Rheumatism in his left knee. For that and so many other reasons, he'd often sit in his usual kitchen chair with one leg resting on another chair, just looking at his sweetheart's empty chair, and wonder what encouraging word she'd plant in his heart. If it wasn't for knowing... that's KNOWING that someday he'd see her again in Glory, well... he just didn't know what he'd do.

The front door bell rang and startled him. He seldom got visitors since Nenee wasn't around any more. Oh how he loved the muffled conversations she had with teen girls on the front porch, staring at that forest just a few yards away. That old front porch rocking chair of hers did more powerful healing of hearts than any hospital could do. Noah had no idea of the surprise that awaited him at the door. But up he went, to see the caller.

Ben stood at the front door with his orange hair trimmed pretty short. That probably had a story to it, but nothing like Noah was about to hear. “Gramps. I got your address from Sammy and I rode my bike over here. Whew!”

I have a favor to ask of you. Ya ever get a picture in your mind, of something that's not exactly real, and you can't forget it? Well I have. I keep seeing the report that some girl named, Mannie put on the little church bulletin board, where we fixed the doors. What I kept seeing in my picture was a little poster right next to her report. The little poster had real important stuff on it too, that all the people should be reminded of. Gramps, it don't look fancy like your posters, and all I could find was a crayon. But I made this little poster myself. If you don't think it looks too ugly, maybe you could get the church to put it up next to Mannie's fancy report.”

Without reading it to Gramps, Ben handed it to him and said, “I know I've bothered you too much already. Here 'tis. I gotta leave.” As Ben climbed on his bike, he shouted to Noah, “Thanks for lovin' me a little, Gramps! I need it!”

Noah turned the poster over to read what started as, “THY WORD is a lamp unto my shoes and a light always on my dangerous path.” At the bottom of the little poster the final words said, “The bible says so, and it's NEVER wrong.”

Noah thought to himself, Give God a little love and trust like a mustard seed, and He'll turn it into mountain-sized changes in the lives of someone near you.